"Specialists in Events & Mobile Marketing"
REGIONAL: Tampa- Orlando- Sarasota-Miami- Ft. Lauderdale
Jacksonville - San Francisco - Sacramento- NAPA Valley
Our teams travel Nationally!

HDR Photography
I discovered HDR (High Dynamic Range) while working a event in Reno many years ago. I use PhotoShop and another program (can't share all my secrets...lol) to get the effects I am looking for. Colors can explode, retro looks, amazing B&W and special effects have UNLEASHED my creativity. Thanks to our software we can achieve so many different, unique versions of the same photo as in some samples below. During the lockdown I began pushing my boundaries and started turning my photos into Art. I print on Acrylic, Metal, Canvas and even Wood. I have a website with almost 1000 images for you to view https://davidwright-visuals.photoreflect.com/
Our art is ideal for: offices, lobbies or home. My images can be printed to: Paper, Canvas-Metal- Wood- Glass- Acrylic - Calendars- Posters- even licensing usage for advertising marketing uses & More!
Click on any photo to view larger!

Custom Cars from car shows in CA, Lake Tahoe and Hot August Nights in Reno. Creative angles and use of our computer skills takes great photos to extroidinary photos