"Specialists in Events & Mobile Marketing"
REGIONAL: Tampa- Orlando- Sarasota-Miami- Ft. Lauderdale
Jacksonville - San Francisco - Sacramento- NAPA Valley
Our teams travel Nationally!

Exciting NEW Green Screen Videos
We have partnered with a technology company to offer sponsorship marketing on STEROIDS. As with all our green screen entertainments we are all about the attendee experience and branding our Sponsors using
the Power of Social Media.
Any video can be created to compliment your Sponsors Brand or Message. Attendees or Fans leave with your Branded Video in hand to share their unique experience with their freinds and family. Viral Marketing with a huge ROI!
Videos can be uploaded to Social Media sites,
saved to DVD or partioned flash drives which
open up many marketing oppurtunities to
further your branding efforts!
Ideal for: Road Shows- Concerts-
Festivals- Conventions- Trade Shows!
Explore your possibilities using this exciting technology for your events!